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| Programmability |
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| 14.0 FP1 |
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| 12.0.2 FP5 |
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| 12.0.2 FP3 |
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| | | | | MNIACMGKUV | Programmability - XPages - Fixed an issue with XPages where XPages was unable to get the document when filtering a multi-column category and the next... | |
| | | | | ASHECPGFW3 | Programmability - Web Services - Fixed a LotusScript memory crash that could occur when invoking a web service. This regression was introduced in... | |
| | | | | MOBNCSTGH6 | Programmability - LotusScript - Fixed an issue with the NotesIDVault methods IsIdInVault an PutUserIdInVault where they were failing to find users... | |
| | | | | MOBNCSTGPZ | Programmability - LotusScript - Fixed an issue where certain Turkish characters in a user name was preventing rename from working when using the... | |
| | | | | KKOOBZ9B2E | Programmability - LotusScript - Fixed an issue using the WriteText method of the NotesStream class where, when setting a character string in a file... | |
| | | | | ASHECR3JXE | Programmability - LotusScript Debugger - Fixed an issue where the Globals section and variables within it were not visible when using the LotusScript... | |
| | | | | SRKMCSCM5J | Programmability - LotusScript - Fixed an issue where calling NotesEmbeddedObject.Activate from an agent in the Notes 64 bit client would result in... | |
| | | | | JALLCT6GN6 | Programmability - DQL - Fixe an issue with DQL with date times where @ModifiedInThisFile and @Created dates returned wrong documents | |
| | | | | JALLCTGRX8 | Programmability - DQL - Fixed an issue where DQL queries that used AND/OR and parentheses to group the DQL query didn't return any documents unless... | |
| | | | | ASHECU5DHW | Programmability - XPages - Fixed an issue where attachments being uploaded in XPages using the file upload control didn't work if the temporary... | |
| | | | | RJJJCUACT8 | Programmability - LotusScript - 64 bit - Fixed an issue with notesSession.UseDoubleAsPointer when used in a hotspot/button where setting it to True... | |
| | | | | AKURCVM7SD | Programmability - LotusScript - Fixed an issue where LotusScript compiled on 14.0 EA2 didn't work correctly on older versions of Notes. Note, this... | |
| | | | | ASHECU6DGL | Programmability - DAS (Domino Access Services) - Fixed an issue with Domino Access Services (DAS) where, for categorized views with more than one... | |
| | | | | JALLCUYH3D | Programmability - XPages - Fixed an issue in XPages with RichText inside a section Control which had the initially close property set to true was not... | |
| | | | | JALLCTPGJD | Programmability - LotusScript - Fixed an issue with NotesView FTSearch function when used in a servlet would always return 0 documents. This... | |
| | | | | ASHECPGNAB | Programmability - XPages - Fixed an issue where XPages application wasn't showing message/rfc822 attachments | |
| | | | | TJJNCX8LSR | Programmability - DQL - Fixed an issue where running a DQL Query with a "not" modifier would result in an exception in some cases. | |
| | | | | JJARCXSK6B | Programmability - LotusScript - Fixed an issue where uploading a file using NotesHTTPRequest.put request from Notes to Office 365 API is not... | |
| | | | | PSHECSAHNM | Programmability - XPages - Fixed an issue where XPages CKEditor was not loading when the browser language was "English (GB)" (en-gb). For a... | |
| | | | | IFBTCZ5DBM | Programmability - XPages - Fixed an issue where the XPages theme would sometimes change to RTL rendering of all XPages in reverse (LTR). An... | |
| | | | | PSHECXMDEZ | Programmability - LotusScript - Fixed an issue where NotesViewNavigator was returning nothing when Buffermaxentries was set more than 1. This... | |
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| 12.0.2 FP2 |
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